Mindy Whittlesey K-12 Technology Teacher

Contact Information:

Email: mindyw@byers.k12.co.us

Phone: 303-822-5292 ext. 1182

Mrs. Whittlesey Fall Conferences


Edgemont, South Dakota is where I grew up for the most part, also living in Wyoming and Utah. I attended college in Aberdeen, SD at Northern State University where I received my BS in Elementary Education with a minor in Reading and an endorsement in Middle School.

I have been teaching in Byers since 2003. I taught third grade for the first four years and sixth grade for seven years following that. Currently, I teach computers/technology to all levels, k-12. I was fortunate to attend the InEdCo conference in 2013, 2014, and 2015, and I learned a great deal more about technology in education. In the summer 2016, I was able to attend the ISTE Conference. That was an amazing experience, with over 20,000 people attending! In the summer of 2018, I attended a 5-day training about Computer Science Discoveries. The following summer, 2019, I attended a 5-day training about Computer Science Principles. I am thrilled to bring Computer Science to k-12 this year!

My husband, Eric, and I live in Aurora with our beautiful daughter. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, camping, reading, and watching movies and the Broncos.


1st Hour: Computer Science Discoveries

2nd Hour: Computer Science Principles 

3rd Hour: Tech Support

4th Hour: PLAN

5th Hour: STEM 7 

6th Hour: Photoshop /Photography

7th Hour: Elementary Computers